Workers’ Comprehensive

News and views in workers’ comp
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This Month's Must Read
The Real Promise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Workers’ Comp

Potential applications, benefits, pitfalls, questions, and the matter of regulation.

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Clinical Insights
Biomarkers in the Blood Could Lead to a Long COVID Test

After studying 273 blood samples, researchers could detect long COVID with 96% accuracy.

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Legislation & Policy
California Enacts Skin Cancer Presumptions for First Responder and Other Occupations

This law also includes lifeguards, and certain employees in the Departments of Fish and Wildlife and Parks and Recreation.

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Industry Trends
WCRI Reports on Changes in the Workforce

New insights into how economic and demographic changes have influenced the workers’ comp system.

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Healthe Developments
Harnessing the Injured Worker’s Influence on Claims Outcomes

Healthe’s VP of Clinical Services, Silvia Sacalis, will co-present this educational session at Florida PRIMA 2023.

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Clinical Insights
New National Substance Abuse Report

Binge drinking reached a historic high for adults aged 35-50 in 2022.

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This Month's Must Read
Changing Minds? Unlocking the Potential of Psychedelics in Mental Health Therapy

Clinical research indicates the potential for strong mental health applications.

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Legislation & Policy
Connecticut Enacts Cancer Presumption for Firefighters

Enacted as part of the state’s budget bill, this new regulation comes with stipulations and exclusions.

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COVID-19 Developments
WCRI Publishes Long COVID Report

The likelihood of long COVID, claims costs, and claim duration all increased with the severity of acute COVID-19.

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Opioid Developments
CDC Awards $279M to 49 States for Overdose Prevention

These funds will help states and communities respond more quickly, effectively, and equitably to prevent overdose death and injury.

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Healthe Developments
Healthe Leaders in the Media

Kristine Kennedy discusses attributes of effective technology for managed care programs, Silvia Sacalis examines post-opioid epidemic medical trends, and Sandy Shtab speaks on marijuana.

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Tornado Damages Pfizer Pharmaceutical Plant, Drug Shortages May Follow

As other Pfizer plants shift gears to make up for this damage, overall drug manufacturing may slow in some areas.

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This Month's Must Read
3 Ways the Digital Experience Can Drive Meaningful Engagement for Injured Workers

Helpful tips for addressing injured worker unfamiliarity with workers’ comp.

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Clinical Insights
Utilization of Opioid Use Disorder Medications

According to JAMA, only 22% of OUD patients received medication-assisted therapy.

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Legislation & Policy
Missouri Enacts PTSD Presumption for First Responders

The national trend continues, in this case with qualifying events and the inclusion of 911 dispatchers.

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Opioid Developments
FDA Approves Second OTC Naloxone Nasal Spray for Opioid Overdose

RiVive will soon be available without a prescription for the treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose.

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Healthe Developments
Connect with Healthe at National Comp 2023!

Stop by our educational session or visit our booth for the latest issue of RxInformer magazine.

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FDA Publishes Guidance on Clinical Trials for Psychedelic Drugs

These guidelines advise researchers on study design and other considerations as they develop medications that contain psychedelics.

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This Month's Must Read
A Moment of Clarity: Alcohol’s Impact Across Workers and Medical Management

How problematic alcohol use can impact the workplace, claims, and medication management.

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Clinical Insights
Medical Cannabis Makes Little Impact on Pain Management in Group Health

A new study uses data from 583,000 group health patients with chronic noncancer pain.

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Legislation & Policy
Connecticut Passes PTSD Presumption for All Employees

Employees who experience a qualifying traumatic event on the job can receive PTSD coverage via workers’ comp.

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Healthe Developments
Spotlight on Healthesystems Pharmacists

Jeanette Connelly was named President of the Florida Pharmacy Association, and Silvia Sacalis was featured in a video spotlight by Business Insurance.

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Brixadi Approved for Opioid Use Disorder

A new buprenorphine injection will be available for weekly or monthly dosages, administered by providers.

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This Month's Must Read
More Than Skin Deep: Untangling Topical Drug Classes and Costs

An infographic breakdown of the diverse drug categories that comprise dermatological prescribing and spend.

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Industry Trends
Low-Volume, High Cost Medications in California

A new report from the CWCI highlights trends in dermatologicals, opioids, and antidepressants.

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Opioid Developments
FDA Approves New Drug for Opioid Overdose Reversal

Opvee is a nalmefene hydrochloride nasal spray – a new option available for the reversal of opioid overdose.

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Healthe Developments
How Inflation is Affecting Home Healthcare and Transportation

Healthe’s VP, Program Performance and Analytics, Cliff James, shares his thoughts on how inflation is impacting these two sectors of care.

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Healthe Developments
Healthesystems Clinical Pharmacist Receives IAIABC NextGen Award

Amanda Waltemath has been recognized as a talented young professional making a positive impact in workers’ comp.

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Drug Recalls for Pain Medications

Teva is recalling certain lots of fentanyl buccal tablets, while Family Dollar is recalling Advil that was not kept at proper temperature.

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This Month's Must Read
Unpredictable Costs: How Will Healthcare Price Inflation Impact Workers’ Comp?

Rising prices for healthcare products and services may impact workers' comp medical care.

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Opioid Developments
FDA to Update Prescribing Information for All Opioid Pain Medications

Changes to boxed warnings, indications and usage, dosage and administration, and more.

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Clinical Insights
CDC Publishes Chronic Pain Report

Approximately 21% of adults experienced chronic pain in 2021, with greater prevalence among certain demographics.

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Marijuana Developments
Washington State Bans Pre-Employment Cannabis Screening

As other states come closer to recreational legalization, Washington State pushes the needle further.

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Healthe Developments
Harnessing the Injured Worker’s Influence on Claims Outcomes

Healthe’s VP of Clinical Services, Silvia Sacalis, will co-present this educational session at PRIMA 2023.

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FDA Approves First Over-the-Counter Naloxone Nasal Spray

Patients will no longer need a prescription for this opioid overdose antidote.

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This Month's Must Read
Build Your Army: Maintaining Cybersecurity Amid the IT Talent Gap

A sneak peek into our RISKWORLD 2023 session content focused on cybersecurity strategies in an evolving risk landscape.

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Clinical Insights
WCRI Publishes Study on Formulary Impacts

How formularies impacted prescriptions across Arkansas, California, Indiana, Kentucky and New York.

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Legislation & Policy
Marijuana Reimbursement Initiatives See Signs of Life

Three states have introduced bills or seen court cases overturned in relation to this policy.

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Healthe Developments
Emerging Trends in Pharmacy and the Impact of Polypharmacy

Healthe’s VP of Clinical Services, Silvia Sacalis, will co-present this educational session at IRSG 2023.

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FDA Approves Combogesic for Short Term Management of Mild to Moderate Pain

A new combination of acetaminophen and ibuprofen will soon hit the market.

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This Month's Must Read
CDC Reports on Psychosocial Impacts on Construction Injuries

Psychosocial factors can increase the likelihood of musculoskeletal disorders and substance abuse.

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Clinical Insights
WCRI Reports on Physical Medicine’s Impact on Low-Back Pain

Extended physical medicine was 5-9 times as common in claims with multiple providers.

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Legislation & Policy
NCCI Publishes Research Brief on Firefighter Presumptions

Beyond PTSD, cancers, heart conditions, and communicable diseases are seeing legislative activity.

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Industry Trends
California Reports on Low-Volume High-Cost Drug Trends

Fenoprofen calcium made up 1.4% of NSAID prescriptions, but 33% of NSAID payments.

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Healthe Developments
Cybersecurity Presentation at RISKWORLD® 2023

Tony Brown, Healthe’s Director of Information Security, will speak at the upcoming conference.

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Legislation & Policy
PTSD Legislation to Make Waves in 2023

Several states have submitted bills to expand presumptions for first responders.

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This Month's Must Read
Hard Times: How Economic Stability Can Impact Injured Worker Outcomes

How employment, poverty, housing, and food security impact patient health.

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Clinical Developments
Long COVID Data in Workers’ Comp

Both the WCRI and the New York State Insurance Fund published new reports.

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Marijuana Updates
More Research Indicates Marijuana Use May Reduce Opioid Use

New reports from the Journal of the American Medical Association and Health Economics.

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Healthe Developments
2023 Workers’ Comp Industry Insight Survey Report

Over 500 stakeholders share their thoughts on industry challenges, priorities, and technologies.

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HIV Medications: New Approval and News of Discontinuations

Sunlenca approved for treatment-resistant populations, but a number of other drugs will cease production, some of which are included in PEP guidelines.

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This Month's Must Read
The Triple Threat of Tobacco Use on Employer, Clinical, and Medication Complexity

Tobacco use as a complicating factor in workplace injury and recovery.

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Clinical Insights
Study Explores Potential Association Between Occupational Inhalants and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Exposure to various gases and vapors has been associated with autoimmune disease

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Marijuana Updates
Cannabis Research Continues for Chronic Pain

Two new studies highlight marijuana’s analgesic effects.

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Healthe Developments
500 Workers’ Comp Stakeholder Identified Top 10 Industry Challenges

Preliminary findings from Healthe’s 2023 industry survey.

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FDA Approves Drug That Can Delay Onset of Type 1 Diabetes

Tzield (teplizumab-mzwv) injections can delay onset by several months or years.

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This Month's Must Read
Diagnostics as a Defining Touchpoint in the Claims Journey

How the timing and accuracy of diagnostic testing can determine the course of a claim.

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Opioid Developments
Fentanyl Vaccine in Development

This vaccine blocks fentanyl from entering the brain and triggering euphoric effect.

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Legislation & Policy
Texas Division of Workers’ Compensation Publishes Biennial Report to Legislature

This report contains a high level report on the status of the Texas workers’ comp system.

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Healthe Developments
Focusing on the Wellbeing of Employees

Risk & Insurance® magazine taps Healthe’s VP of Clinical Services for considerations on retaining a healthy and happy workforce.

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Workers’ Comprehensive

News and views in workers’ comp
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