Sleep Woes: Fatigue in the Workplace

Expert Q&A: Cybersecurity Tactics in Workers’ Compensation

Drug Pricing Legislation and Its Impact on Workers' Comp

High Prices, High Impact: Meet the Drugs Driving Up Claim Costs in Workers’ Comp

Healthesystems’ Advocacy & Compliance experts are essential in the management of pharmacy and ancillary benefits for our clients. By tracking and influencing regulatory activity, our team stays ahead of evolving trends and identifies opportunities to advocate on behalf of our clients, their injured workers, and the broader industry.
Monitors and reports on proposed and pending regulatory changes that impact workers' comp, helping shape effective program strategies
Advocates for fair and balanced public policy through proactive engagement with regulators, customers, and other stakeholders throughout the rulemaking lifecycle
Supports operational compliance by providing guidance to internal stakeholders and external partners during the implementation of new regulatory changes