Transforming the workers’ compensation pharmacy and ancillary benefits management experience

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Supported by human-centered service
Informed by industry expertise
Inspired by a commitment to care
women with a migraine post image

Novel Migraine Agents: What is Their Place in Injured Worker Therapy?

While these drugs offer relief for migraine sufferers, what are the efficacy and cost considerations for injured workers?
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Ask a Clinician: What Do I need to Know About DME Trends?

Healthesystems clinicians tackle questions about Durable Medical Equipment (DME).
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2024 Industry Survey Report

This sixth annual survey report highlights the top challenges and priorities of 500 industry professionals.
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MDMA Gains Steam for PTSD Treatment

Phase 3 studies are underway, and current research sees potential for MDMA in psychotherapy.

Jan 2020

Lavender Administration Shows Promise for Anxiety

A recent meta-analysis of over 100 trials and studies found lavender to significantly reduce anxiety levels.

Jan 2020

Keeping an Eye Out for CBD

With CBD products widely available and advertised for so many ailments, claimants could be using CBD without insurers knowing.

Jan 2020

New Drug Developments Impacting Comp

A biosimilar to Humira is approved, the FDA Fast Tracks a PTSD drug, and more.

Dec 2019

Questioning Costs: A Field Guide to Fee Schedules

Understand how prices are set for medical equipment and services, and how to scrutinize those costs.

Dec 2019

How Declining Opioid Use Impacts Claims and Outcomes

According to the CWCI, reduced opioid utilization from 2010-2017 saved $6.5 billion in California comp costs.

Dec 2019

Minnesota Proposes PTSD Treatment Guidelines

Beyond compensability, Minnesota considers rules for evaluation, treatment planning, acceptable psychotherapies, and more.

Dec 2019

Healthe in the Media

Workers’ comp publications cover Healthesystems content surrounding aging physicians, successful return-to-work programs, and more.

Dec 2019

Recalls Impacting Workers’ Comp

A previous gastrointestinal drug recall expands, while a new recall for an anxiety drug is issued.

Nov 2019

Rehabilitating Your Rehab Program: Better Metrics for Physical Medicine

How more dynamic data can illuminate program performance to empower care delivery

Nov 2019

HHS Publishes Opioid Tapering and Discontinuation Guideline

The guideline covers a wide range of relevant topics, including pain, dosing, dangerous co-prescribing, comorbidities, and more.

Nov 2019

More States Scrutinize Gig Economy Classifications

Shortly after California made strides on employee classification for gig economy jobs, New Jersey and New York have taken action.

Nov 2019

The Economic Impact of Non-Medical Opioid Use

The Society of Actuaries published a report that claims the economic burden of the opioid epidemic was $631 billion from 2015-2018.

Nov 2019

By the Numbers

A collection of workers’ compensation facts and figures

Winter 2019/2020

State of the States

A roundup of regulatory activity around the country

Winter 2019/2020

Rehabilitating Your Rehab Program

How more dynamic data can illuminate program performance, empowering decisions for better outcomes

Winter 2019/2020

Better Care = Lower Costs

Ten tips that can help claims professionals keep patients safe and prevent costly complications

Winter 2019/2020

When Demand Exceeds Supply: Older Patients and Fewer Physicians in Workers' Comp

The looming physician shortage and how to meet the challenge in workers' comp

Winter 2019/2020

Questioning Costs: A Field Guide to Fee Schedules

Understanding how prices are set for medical equipment and services, and how to scrutinize those costs

Winter 2019/2020

Painting by Numbers: Workers' Comp Drug Costs in Broad Strokes

High-level trends in healthcare drug spending and utilization in workers? comp

Winter 2019/2020

The Ups and Downs of Drug Prices: Keeping Up with Cost Challenges in Workers' Comp

Rising drug prices and the impact on workers' comp costs

Winter 2019/2020

Focus on Care and the Savings Will Come

A message from the Chief Executive Officer

Winter 2019/2020

Multiple Companies Recall Ranitidine Hydrochloride Due to Contamination

Indicated for various gastrointestinal concerns, these recalls could impact certain workers’ comp patients.

Oct 2019

Clearing the Air: Marijuana Considerations for Workers’ Comp

A new white paper explores clinical, legislative, workplace safety, and PBM considerations surrounding marijuana.

Oct 2019

Social Determinants of Health

PwC explores how social factors impact chronic health conditions.

Oct 2019

California Gig Law to Reclassify Contractors as Employees

This reclassification will entitle millions of workers to benefits previously withheld, including workers’ comp.

Oct 2019

Healthesystems at NWCDC 2019

Join Healthesystems at booth #1922, at an educational presentation, or by taking our industry survey with Risk & Insurance.

Oct 2019

FDA Postpones Opioid Approval Decision

NKTR-181 (loxicodegol) was to receive an approval decision by August 29th, but a reevaluation of opioid policy has resulted in a delay.

Sep 2019

Robert Goldberg and Silvia Sacalis Discuss Workplace Fatigue with Risk & Insurance

Healthesystems’ clinical leaders speak to mitigation strategies to reduce workplace injuries stemming from fatigue.

Sep 2019

California Publishes One-Year Report on Workers’ Comp Formulary

The utilization of opioids, compounds, and physician-dispensed medications have significantly decreased.

Sep 2019

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