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June 8, 2019

Shifting Gears in Patient Transportation with Rideshare

While patient transportation networks are already well established, more and more health systems are integrating rideshare services such as Lyft and Uber into their transportation programs, hoping to increase network coverage, reduce patient no-shows to improve compliance with their care, and decrease program costs.

There is no shortage of case studies that have spoken to the benefits of providing rideshare services in the healthcare setting. But what are some specific considerations on how this model can be successfully integrated within a workers’ compensation transportation offering?


An estimated 3.6 million Americans miss medical appointments each year due to a lack of transportation. It’s well-understood that delaying medical treatment can cause short- and long-term impacts, such as exacerbated health concerns that lead to higher medical and overall program costs.

From an injured worker’s perspective, a missed appointment may mean the difference between getting the green light from the doctor to return to work – or delaying it even further. Therefore, patient access to reliable transportation becomes a key component of driving positive health outcomes.

While traditional patient transportation services help many patients, rideshare models present opportunities to alleviate some of the pain points associated with traditional sedan services and enhance the value that transportation programs offer to patients and payers alike.

Continue reading the full article online at RxInformer clinical journal.

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