December 4, 2020

New York Prepares to Launch New Claim Portal

New York is preparing to launch a limited release of their new claim portal, OnBoard, a platform meant to eliminate many paper processes and replace various legacy systems within the state, at the beginning of 2021.

This change, having passed various rounds of legislative and regulatory approval, signals a growing acknowledgement that technology must be embraced to improve the claims processes within workers’ comp. New York has already adopted or will soon be adopting several of the foundational regulations which will require use of the portal, which is expected to become mandatory for all providers by July 2021.

Since Summer 2019, the New York Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) has been working to launch OnBoard, stating that this portal will provide users access to real-time data to speed up the claims process.

OnBoard users will be able to access the following data and functions with the limited release:

  • Medical records
  • Medical and pharmaceutical prior authorization and variance requests
  • Resolution of medical fee disputes
  • Reporting requirements such as first reports of injury
  • Automated emails or text messages for when requests are approved or denied

The portal is designed to be available to injured workers, their representatives, carriers and medical providers. Regulatory adjustments allow not only traditional providers to access the portal, but also physician assistants, occupational therapists and acupuncturists.

A full release is planned for 2023, at which point most WCB-required claim forms will be available digitally, pre-populated with known data, guiding users on how to fill necessary information.

An application programming interface (API) will be available as part of the full release of OnBoard in 2023 for stakeholders to communicate directly between organizational computer systems and the Board to automate the submittal of eForms.

WCB already held initial provider trainings for OnBoard, and they have posted several informational videos on their YouTube channel.

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