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November 12, 2024

Minnesota Invites the Public to Complete a PTSD Survey

The Minnesota Department of Labor (DLI) is inviting the public to participate in a 2024 Workers' Compensation Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Survey.

The survey is part of a legislative-mandated study on work-related PTSD, with a complete study due by August 1, 2025. After the survey is complete, participants can also opt in for a follow-up interview; however, participation is voluntary.

According to a FAQ sheet on the study, research will look at work-related PTSD for all occupations, not just first responders. This includes mental-physical and physical-mental scenarios. However, research will not look into PTSD if it results from disciplinary action, work evaluation, job transfer, etc.

Any information provided in response to the survey may be used by the University of Minnesota and DLI as part of the PTSD study. The study will not report any responses that can be linked to a particular individual or organization. Responses will remain anonymous, with no identifying information linked to individuals or organizations in the study.

Workers’ Comprehensive

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