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November 1, 2020

Healthesystems at NWCDC 2020

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Conference (NWCDC) – the largest annual conference in the workers’ comp industry – will continue to offer digital content throughout the year.

While we may not be able to enjoy seeing industry colleagues in person, the digital nature of this year’s sessions gives everyone the opportunity to tune in from the comfort of their homes, as well as enjoy new content each month.

Among the presentations, Healthesystems’ VP of Clinical Services, Silvia Sacalis, BS, PharmD, will cohost Empathy & Engagement: The Process of Putting Patients First in Workers’ Comp on Wednesday, December 9th, at 2:00 PM EST.

Dr. Sacalis, along with Adam L. Seidner, MD, MPH and Chief Medical Officer of The Hartford, will explore workers’ comp patients’ sometimes negative experiences within the workers’ comp system, and how empathetic, patient-centered care can improve the journey to recovery and deliver superior outcomes.

Session attendees will be presented with real-world examples of how empathy and engagement can be incorporated into the overall design of medical/pharmacy management programs.

Click here to register.

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