October 1, 2019

Healthesystems at NWCDC 2019

Healthesystems will be attending and exhibiting at NWCDC 2019, the largest annual conference in the workers’ comp industry, and we invite you to join us in Las Vegas for various educational opportunities.

Visit Healthesystems at Booth #1922

Come learn how Healthesystems is transforming healthcare with our pharmacy and ancillary benefits management programs. Conference attendees can also pick up a copy of RxInformer clinical journal. The new, Winter 2019/2020 edition is a special pricing issue with articles and infographics that cover hot topics such as:

  • Rising drug prices and the impact on workers’ comp costs
  • A looming physician shortage that could impact the delivery of care
  • Understanding how fee schedules are set for medical equipment and services, and how to scrutinize those costs
  • Tips claims professionals can utilize to keep patients safe and prevent costly complications
  • How more dynamic data in physical medicine programs can empower decision making and improve claims outcomes
  • And more

Medical and Pharmacy Insights for a Successful Return to Work

Healthesystems’ VP of Clinical Services, Silvia Sacalis, BS, PharmD, will cohost Medical and Pharmacy Insights for a Successful Return to Work with The Hartford’s Chief Medical Officer, Adam Seidner, MD, MPH.

This educational presentation will discuss policies and procedures that can help employers and providers make safe return-to-work recommendations for injured workers. Drs. Sacalis and Seidner will go over accessing analytic tools and developing programs for evaluating fitness-for-duty and navigating prescription medications to avoid negatively impacting functional abilities.

The presentation will take place at 3:00 PM on Thursday, November 7th in the South Pacific F room.

Workers’ Comp Industry Insights Survey

Healthesystems is teaming with Risk & Insurance magazine to conduct an industry insights survey. Workers’ comp professionals are invited to visit booth #1025 to answer questions and engage in discussion with Risk & Insurance editors surrounding their biggest industry concerns, challenges and successes.

Upon completion and analysis of the results, Healthesystems will publish its annual industry insights survey in early 2020.

Workers’ Comprehensive

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