October 17, 2021

Healthe Leaders to Speak at Upcoming Virtual Conferences

As many conferences continue to embrace a virtual environment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Healthe is happy to announce that we will be taking part in the PRIMA Webinar Series and Comp Laude.

Comp Laude Awards and Gala

The Comp Laude Awards and Gala is an annual continuing education and networking event that honors esteemed individuals in the workers’ comp industry for their significant contributions, hosted by WorkCompCentral since 2012.

This year, Comp Laude will take place from November 4-5, and Healthe will feature two educational sessions.

The Future of Infectious Disease: Protecting Our Workforce

This educational session features Silvia Sacalis, PharmD, BS, Healthesystems VP of Clinical Services, and will explore the new rules in a post-pandemic world for preventing infectious disease in the workplace.

The seminar will touch upon workplace safety strategies that target the spread of infection, and how to maintain a good corporate culture for remote workers. Dr. Sacalis will be joined by Ceil Jung, Director of Medical Services, SFM Mutual Insurance Company.

This session will take place at 11:00 AM PDT on November 4th.

Growing Up Comp: Advocating for the Next Generation of Industry Professionals

This presentation will feature NextGen award winner Stephanie Arkelian, Healthesystems Director of Product, and will focus on supporting newcomers to the workers’ comp industry.

The session will explore unique opportunities and creative career paths available for today’s workers’ comp professionals, describe how technology can play a role in improving the work experience for claims professionals, and much more. Stephanie Arkelian will co-host this presentation with Magnum Dampier, Chief Technology Officer at CompDME.

This session will take place at 12:00 noon PDT on November 4th.

PRIMA Webinar Series

The Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA) is hosting an educational webinar series throughout 2021, in lieu of in-person events. On November 17th at 12:00 PM EST, they will host Exploring the Unique Challenges Face by Injured Workers.

This webinar will be co-presented by Silvia Sacalis, PharmD, BS, Healthesystems VP of Clinical Services at Healthesystems; Alice Wells, CWCL, AIC, Director of TPA Operations, Johns Eastern; and Bill Mason, Risk Manager, City of Sunrise.

The panel will explore challenges faced by injured workers and the need for all stakeholders to be aware of these challenges and share information to better treat the employee with compassion and empathy.

Session objectives include realizing the roles we play in minimizing stigma felt by injured workers, creating a solution where all roles play a part in recovery, and addressing the mental and physical well-being of injured workers.

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