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March 24, 2022

Five Things to Know About Workers’ Compensation Pharmacy Services

The International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC) recently conducted an educational webinar that featured Healthe’s VP of Industry and State Affairs, Sandy Shtab.

The webinar focused on the role workers’ comp PBMs play in returning injured workers to pre-injury status as quickly as possibly by providing access to appropriate pharmacotherapy at the right time. This session highlights the differences between workers’ comp and group health PBMs and the specific value that workers’ comp PBMs bring to the table.

Sandy Shtab was one of three panelists, joining Sean Chitwood, Director, Workers’ Compensation at One Point Patient Care, and Dr. Paul Peak, Vice President Clinical Pharmacy, Sedgwick. The session was moderated by Kevin Tribout, Vice President of Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Optum Workers’ Comp & Auto No-fault.

A recording of the webinar is available to IAIABC members through the organization’s educate@iaiabc Medical Issues library.

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