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June 24, 2024

Child Labor Laws are Changing: How Could This Impact Workers’ Comp?

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. workforce has experienced serious disruption, from the Great Resignation to Quiet Quitting, and evolving labor policy for gig workers. For the last few years, there has been a significant labor shortage, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics noting that 9.6 million job openings currently sit unfulfilled across the county.

In the face of this problem, many solutions have been proposed, such as increasing wages to better attract workers, implementing automation or technology to make up for fewer workers, and changing immigration policies to allow for new workers to enter the country – but there is one new proposal that is starting to make news: changing child labor laws.

Over the last couple of years, several states have proposed – and in some cases enacted – laws that reduce age requirements to enter the workforce, as well as expand the types and duration of work that minors can participate in.

If this trend continues and more teen workers enter the workforce, there are some potential impacts to consider related to risk and frequency for workplace injury, as well as care considerations as they relate to these young populations.

The Growing Legislative Trend

Within the last two years, seven states enacted laws that impact child labor, while five states introduced bills that did not advance. Additionally, two federal bills were introduced, proposing certain changes to child labor laws.

Continue reading the article in full online at RxInformer magazine.


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