March 7, 2020

2020 Workers’ Comp Industry Insights Survey

For the second year in a row, Healthesystems collaborated with Risk & Insurance magazine to survey workers’ comp industry stakeholders regarding top challenges, program and population trends, health risks costs, and more.

Approximately 669 stakeholders responded to this survey, across various types of roles and organizations.

On a high level:

  • 70% of stakeholders report changing populations as a top industry challenge
  • 83% of stakeholders report complex claims require more clinical decision from claims management
  • 82% of stakeholders believe better claims efficiency will lower medical costs
  • 57% of stakeholders believe the top claim risk is a failure to detect early risk warning signs

For an in-depth look at the data, and what this means for the workers’ comp industry, click here to read the 2020 Workers’ Comp Industry Insights Survey.

Workers’ Comprehensive

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