April 10, 2020

An Update from Our CEO Daryl Corr

As I was preparing to speak at an all-company meeting, with hundreds of our employees virtually connected I was both humbled and proud of what we as human beings are capable of in times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our families, our businesses and our communities. It has forced us into a new paradox – staying socially isolated yet remaining connected. Being there for our families yet focusing on our customers and coworkers. It has merged two often distinct worlds into one – family life and work life – by turning us into a virtual workforce overnight.

I feel very fortunate to be in the situation I am in right now, because our employees and customers are an extension of our family. I also feel very fortunate that our company can help and provide support during this challenging time. As a clinically focused and technology driven company operating on the periphery of healthcare, I take our obligation to our customers and their injured worker patients very seriously. We are positioned to quickly deploy technology, clinical expertise and service offerings to assist our customers during a personally and professionally challenging time – and this is where our focus has been.

In the past few weeks that focus has been three-fold: our employee’s health and safety, supporting our customer’s needs, and facilitating the highest level of care for injured worker patients.

We worked swiftly and on behalf of our customers to ensure patients have unrestricted access to appropriate medications. Our clinicians, led by our chief medical officer, continue to analyze information from various medical sources to stay up to date on the latest data regarding the COVID-19 virus and identifying potential medication shortages and trends that may emerge. We have been working with each of our customers to address their dynamic and changing needs, with the understanding that each customer’s situation, patient population and business needs are unique. Our account managers have been working with each of our customers to implement workflow and operational changes to ensure continuity of care for injured worker patients during this crisis.  

I hope each and every one of our extended family members – be it Healthe employees and their families or our customers and their colleagues – are safe and healthy. I extend my thoughts to every person who has been impacted by this pandemic, with a special place reserved for our healthcare providers and essential services workers who are on the front-lines of this crisis. They are the true heroes of today and I remain humbled by their sacrifice and grateful Healthesystems can play a small role.  

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