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September 30, 2024

NCCI Opioid Webinar

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On September 19th, the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) hosted a webinar reviewing opioid prescribing patterns and the likelihood of continued opioid use among injured workers.

Data presented came from various data calls including the Unit Statistical Plan for Accident Years 2012-2021, Indemnity Data call for Accident Year 2022, and lost time claims only.

While opioid prescriptions have significantly declined, reflecting progress in reducing addiction risks and healthcare costs, NCCI noted that the rate of decline is leveling off. Additionally, although fewer workers are receiving high-dose opioids, persistence rates among those who do have increased.

From 2012 to 2022, opioid usage has decreased significantly, both one year after injury and three years after injury. The share of opioid-related claims dropped from 43% in 2012 to 16% in 2022, with variation by state. This decline is most notable in conditions like lower back and neck pain. 

High opioid usage in the first-year post-injury has fallen by over 85%, with only 2% of claims involving high usage for injuries sustained in 2022.  Additionally, morphine milligram equivalents (MMEs) prescribed in the first-year post-injury have dropped by 88%. 

Workers prescribed high opioid doses in the first year are more likely to continue high doses for three to six years after injury.

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