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January 27, 2025

Four States Consider Expanding Cancer Presumptions

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Connecticut Senate Bill 1029 was introduced, which would expand current cancer presumptions available for firefighters to other workers impacted by similar conditions. While the bill does not specify “other workers,” it can be presumed that “similar conditions” would imply occupational exposure to harmful carcinogens or other substances.

Hawaii Senate Bill 828 would expand workers’ comp coverage for firefighters to include additional cancers. The bill names adenocarcinoma or mesothelioma of the respiratory system, cancer of the buccal cavity, colon, pharynx, and thyroid, and malignant melanoma. Employers would be allowed to deny benefits if they prove the illness is unrelated to firefighting duties. If enacted, this bill would take effect immediately.

Mississippi Senate Bill 2404 and House Bill 1531 would update current cancer presumptions for firefighters to extend benefits to retired firefighters. Current legislation only applies to active firefighters.

Nebraska Legislative Bill 400 would create a rebuttable presumption of cancer as an occupational disease for firefighters. Professional and volunteer firefighters would be covered, as well as arson investigators, instructors, and training officers, assuming they have had five or more years of employment. The bill requires that cancer must develop or manifest out of and in the course of employment as a firefighter.

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