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November 11, 2024

Department of Labor Reports a Decline in Worker Death Investigations

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The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published preliminary data showing a decrease in fatalities the agency is mandated to investigate, including significant reductions in fatal injuries from trench collapses and falls, two of the leading causes of death among construction industry workers.

In fiscal year 2024, federal OSHA investigated 826 worker deaths, an 11% reduction from 928 in the previous year. Excluding COVID-related deaths, this is the lowest number of workplace fatalities OSHA has been mandated to investigate since 2017.

Fatal falls investigated by OSHA fell from 234 in 2023 to 189 in 2024, a decrease of 20%. Preliminary data from state OSHA programs, pending validation by federal OSHA, indicates more than 15% fewer fatalities in state jurisdictions.

National reporting by federal and state OSHA programs shows worker deaths in trench collapses declined nearly 70% since calendar year 2022. Fatalities decreased from 39 in 2022 to 12 in 2024. These decreases follow intensive outreach and education by OSHA and industry partners, work by state plans, and aggressive enforcement under a “zero tolerance” policy for unprotected trenches, including immediate inspections and referrals for criminal prosecution where warranted.

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