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December 16, 2024

California Publishes 2024 Geo Study

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The California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) released its 2024 Geo Study, focusing on regional disparities in workers' comp claim patterns.

The study was based on claim data from policy years 2013-2022, analyzing a wide variety of information across 19 different regions in the state of California. Claims arising out of a COVID-19 diagnosis were excluded from the study.

At 39 pages, there is a significant amount of data in the report. What follows are key highlights.

Even after controlling for regional differences in wages and industry mix, indemnity claim frequency remains significantly higher in the Los Angeles (LA) Basin and significantly lower in the San Francisco Bay Area, a pattern that has remained consistent over the last several years.

The report noted statewide increases in medical, pharmaceutical, and administrative costs, along with a slight rise in indemnity claims involving permanent disability.

After a statewide decrease in the share of cumulative injury and occupational disease in 2021, there was a slight statewide increase in 2022, with rates per region fluctuating. Southern California regions were more likely to have an increase in these claims. A consistently higher frequency of indemnity claims was noted in the Los Angeles Basin compared to the San Francisco Bay Area.

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