The FDA warned consumers about counterfeit Ozempic found in the U.S. drug supply chain. Thousands of units have been seized so far, with the FDA advising wholesalers, retail pharmacies, health care practitioners and patients to check the products they have received and not distribute, use, or sell products labeled with lot number NAR0074 and serial number 430834149057. Some of these counterfeit products may still be available for purchase. Drug analysis of the seized products is still underway. The needles from these samples are also counterfeit. Accordingly, the sterility of the needles cannot be confirmed, which presents an increased risk of infection for patients who use the counterfeit products. Other confirmed counterfeit components within the seized products are the pen label, accompanying health care professional and patient information, and carton. Adverse events tied to this lot of counterfeit products include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and constipation. Patients should only obtain Ozempic with a valid prescription through state-licensed pharmacies and check the product before using for any signs of counterfeiting.
