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First Fill Information

For patients: filling your first prescription for a work-related injury

Healthesystems’ pharmacy network includes more than 66,000 participating retail pharmacies ready to fill prescriptions related to your work-related injury or illness. This includes all major retail chains, as well as many regional and independent pharmacies.
The Gray Insurance Co Logo
To fill the first prescription for your work-related injury, follow these steps:
Search for a network pharmacy near you.
Find  a pharmacy
Show "For pharmacists" information to your pharmacists, who will need it to process your prescription.

For pharmacists: first fill prescription processing

Your pharmacy has contracted to participate in the Healthesystems Pharmacy Network. Please follow the steps below to dispense the injured worker patient’s First Fill for their workers’ compensation prescription. This information is valid for up to 15 days from date of injury (DOI).
Pharmacy Processing Steps
1. Healthesystems BIN: 012874
2. To receive a Member ID number for the patient, call the Healthesystems Customer Service Center (CSC): 1.800.758.5579
3. Tell the CSC that this is a new workers’ comp injury; do not process under an existing injury
4. Process using the Member ID provided by Healthesystems