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A significant part of the Healthesystems vision is to create a more integrated experience for our customers
Our experts provide business insights, best practices, and perspectives for workers' comp medical management programs

In Claims Management, Centralized Data Means Empowered Decisions

Claims professionals can help close information gaps that negatively affect patient outcomes - but only if they are empowered with effective technology.
August 21, 2021

5 Ways We’re Innovating the Digital Experience for Claims Professionals

Claims professionals have long been the frontline of claims management – this has not changed. What has changed is just about everything else.
June 1, 2021

4 Workers’ Comp Trends to Watch in 2021

Healthesystems is watching four major trends in workers' comp.
January 1, 2021

3 Stakeholder Research Findings That Can Improve Patient Experience and Program Outcomes

When developing effective claims programs for workers’ comp, a finely tuned user researchprocess is a crucial tool in ensuring that stakeholders across the board all benefit from the solutions that are implemented.
October 1, 2020