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A significant part of the Healthesystems vision is to create a more integrated experience for our customers

Gain deeper insights into Rx drug activity and costs

Workers’ comp pharmacy program management is complex and can be confounding when you don’t have an objective and reliable benchmark to compare your program’s performance to industry standards.

Healthesystems offers a unique opportunity to receive an informative clinical and financial review of the drug activity occurring within your claims population.

From recognized experts in workers’ comp pharmacy programs

A leader in workers’ compensation benefits management, Healthesystems has the expertise to understand the nuances of pharmacy programs, identify trends, and identify untapped opportunities to improve clinical and economic outcomes.

Our Rx e360 consultative service is performed by seasoned analysts and clinicians who scrutinize your pharmacy claims, costs, and patient drug regimens in various contexts and benchmark them across peer data and industry trends to provide meaningful insights.

Including a complimentary consultation and report

An executive summary of notable findings, instructive dashboards, and expert recommendations are provided during a consultative review when the data analysis is complete.

PBM e360

Healthesystems’ Rx e360 will provide you with greater visibility and insights into your pharmacy claims.

ABM e360

An e360 analysis is also available for ancillary benefits claims. Please ask your Healthesystems consultant if you would like to know more.

Request your complimentary Rx e360 today:
