September 8, 2019

Robert Goldberg and Silvia Sacalis Discuss Workplace Fatigue with Risk & Insurance

Risk & Insurance, a news publication focused on risk management and commercial insurance, featured an article on how to mitigate workplace fatigue to avoid costly employee injuries.

With various factors contributing to workplace fatigue, the article addresses the need for a multilayered approach, reaching out to various industry experts, including Healthesystems’ Chief Medical Officer, Robert Goldberg, MD, FACOEM, and VP of Clinical Services, Silvia Sacalis, BS, PharmD.

Drs. Goldberg and Sacalis spoke to the need for fatigue management plans that focus on the root causes of fatigue, going over shift-work and schedule rotations, how long employees can work prior to feeling fatigue, the need for fatigue education, wellness programs, break times and locations, and more.

Read the article in full at Risk & Insurance.

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