September 15, 2023

Healthe Leaders in the Media

Three members of Healthesystems’ executive leadership recently shared their thoughts and expertise on major topics of interest to the workers’ comp industry.

Kristine Kennedy, SVP, Product Strategy and Innovation, was featured in an article published by Risk & Insurance Magazine, focused on “8 attributes” that workers’ comp medical program leaders should expect from their technology partners to help meet the needs of stakeholders, enhance managed care capabilities, and help mitigate the effects of widening talent gaps for experienced claims professionals.

The article explores user experience, analytics, right-time clinical guidance, early risk identification, configurability, insightful reporting, and more.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sacalis, Healthe’s VP of Clinical Services, recently co-presented the educational session Post-Pandemic and Post-Opioid Crisis, What Are Today’s WC Medical Trends to Watch? at the National Comp Conference in Las Vegas.

The presentation focused on:

  • Prescription drug trends emerging as the opioid bubble shrinks
  • Rapid growth and applications in digital therapeutics
  • Current specialty trends and management considerations
  • Creating a safe work environment that considers factors such as medical marijuana use, age, and fitness for work

For those that could not attend the presentation, Risk and Insurance featured an article summarizing the key points discussed by Dr. Sacalis and her co-presenter, Adam Seidner, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer, The Hartford.

Finally, Sandy Shtab, VP of Industry and State Affairs, was featured in a Risk and Insurance article that explores the conflicting marijuana laws held by state and federal government. The article reviews the issue of cannabis reimbursement, the potential to manage pain, a lack of clinical guidelines and product standards, and the likelihood of a federal rescheduling.

In this article, Sandy Shtab is featured as one of many experts asked to share her opinion on the cannabis landscape.

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