December 17, 2022

Focusing on the Wellbeing of Employees

Risk and Insurance® magazine published a new article focused on strategies for fostering a culture of wellbeing in the workforce, particularly in a post-pandemic world that has given a greater spotlight to mental health.

The article follows-up a presentation delivered at the 2022 National Comp Conference by Silvia Sacalis, BS, PharmD, VP of Clinical Services at Healthesystems, and Ceil Jung, RN, BSN, CCM, Director of Medical Services for SFM Mutual Insurance Company.

The presentation Building and Maintaining a Culture Centered on Employee Wellbeing covered matters such as the Great Resignation and the Great Reshuffle’s impact on workforce populations, as well as depression, anxiety, and burnout in the workplace.

The article continues to explore these concerns and how they impact the workplace, while also including follow-up commentary from the original presenters.

Read the article in full at Risk and Insurance.

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