RxI Category: Trends & Stats

Expert Q&A: Cybersecurity Tactics in Workers’ Compensation

RxInformer editors sat down with Healthesystems’ AVP of Information Security and resident cybersecurity expert, Tony Brown, to discuss how cyber threats affect workers’ comp organizations.

Triple Threat: Healthcare Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Workers' Comp

A current look at fraud, waste and abuse in workers’ comp pharmacy and medical services with strategies for management, including next-generation strategies involving AI.

Unpredictable Costs: How Will Healthcare Price Inflation Impact Workers’ Comp?

Prices are rising for some healthcare products and services that will likely impact workers' compensation medical care

State of the States

A roundup of regulatory activity around the country

By the Numbers

A collection of workers’ compensation facts and figures

2020 Workers’ Comp Industry Insights Survey & Infographic

Results, insights, and various stakeholder perspectives on important industry issues

By the Numbers: Covid-19 Edition

A collection of facts and figures surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic

By the Numbers

A collection of workers’ compensation facts and figures

State of the States

A roundup of regulatory activity around the country

Top Challenges

What do you see as the biggest challenge for your workers’ comp program in 2019 and beyond?

Major Trends

What industry trend do you think will have the biggest impact on your workers’ comp program in the next year?

Program Priorities

Rank the below items in order of priority for your organization’s workers’ comp program.

Program Successes

What workers’ comp program has your organization implemented that you’re finding the most success with?

By the Numbers

A collection of workers’ compensation facts and figures

By the Numbers

A collection of workers’ compensation facts and figures

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Since 2010, the semi-annual RxInformer clinical journal has been a trusted source of timely information and guidance for workers’ comp payers on how best to manage the care of injured worker claimants and plan for the challenges that lay ahead. The publication is an important part of Healthesystems’ proactive approach to advocating for quality care of injured workers while managing the costs associated with treatment.